Thursday, September 27, 2012

Rosalila Fighter XML quick introduction

Characters XMLs

Move and variables definition (main.xml)

Every move and variable (strings, hitboxes, projectile,bars) is declared here.

Hitboxes (hitboxes.xml)

Boxes that let us detect collisions between the characters.

Move Inputs (inputs.xml)

Sequences or/and buttons combinations that invokes moves.

Palettes colors (palettes.xml)

The palette swaps support alpha and full color modifying by range (colors that are alike).

Sound effects (sfx.xml)

 Every move can have a sound file (.ogg) that will be played when it starts.

Sprites (sprites.xml)

You can set, scale, align and ignore color of sprites.

Move Triggers (triggers.xml)

 Validates when a move must come out.

Variables modifications (vars.xml)

 In every move you can modify every variable of itself or the opponent.

 Visual effects (vfx.xml)

Visual effects are animations that do not affect gameplay.

Artificial intelligence (/ai/default.xml)

Is defined by a non deterministic automaton of input buttons and triggers with a reward system for successful decisions.

Menus XMLs

Defines one menu interface and actions by file. The root folder of the menus is menu/.

Stages XMLs

In the main.xml file located in every stage folder in stage/ you can define the stage size, layers and animations.