Characters XMLs
Move and variables definition (main.xml)
Every move and variable (strings, hitboxes, projectile,bars) is declared here.
Hitboxes (hitboxes.xml)
Move Inputs (inputs.xml)
Sequences or/and buttons combinations that invokes moves.Palettes colors (palettes.xml)
The palette swaps support alpha and full color modifying by range (colors that are alike).Sound effects (sfx.xml)
Every move can have a sound file (.ogg) that will be played when it starts.Sprites (sprites.xml)
Move Triggers (triggers.xml)
Validates when a move must come out.Variables modifications (vars.xml)
In every move you can modify every variable of itself or the opponent.Visual effects (vfx.xml)
Artificial intelligence (/ai/default.xml)
Is defined by a non deterministic automaton of input buttons and triggers with a reward system for successful decisions.